Walnut is a kind of nut like fruit. This fruit is highly nutritious as it is rich in fiber and essential fatty acids. This fruit is spherical and contains a seed inside. The outer shell of the ripe fruit is removed to reveal the hard-shelled seed; Inside this shell is a split nut with a brown coating that is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the oilseed from oxygen in the air, making it edible.

Wallnut Tree:

The scientific name of the walnut tree is Juglans regia which is a deciduous tree of the family Juglandaceae. This tree is usually 10–40 meters (about 30–130 feet) tall. They have multi-lobed leaves like feathers. Leaves usually 200–900 mm (7–35 in) long.

Nutrient content of walnuts

A walnut is composed of 65% fat and 15% protein. It contains a small amount of carbohydrates. It also contains fiber and potassium.

Below is the nutritional information in one ounce of walnuts:

Calories:- 185 mg

Total Fat: 18.5 grams

Fiber:- 1.9 grams

Protein:- 4.3 grams

Carbohydrates:- 3.9 grams

Sodium: 1 mg

Potassium:- 125 mg

Walnuts are higher in fat than other ingredients, but they are the healthy type of fat with omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts can be an alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids for those who do not like to eat fish.

Benefits of walnuts

Walnuts contain various vitamins. So it plays a role in our body structure. Nuts are very beneficial for the body. Although there are many types of nuts, the most beneficial nut is the 'walnut', also known as the pistachio nut. It is possible to get rid of many diseases easily by eating walnuts daily.

1. Keeps the heart healthy

There is no substitute for good heart health. And walnuts can help you in this task. The omega three fatty acids it contains are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. If you eat a few walnuts every day, it will help lower blood pressure. It reduces bad cholesterol in our body and helps increase good cholesterol. So eat walnuts regularly to keep your heart healthy.

2. Contains a large amount of antioxidants

These nuts are a great source of antioxidants that can help fight oxidative damage to your body, including damage caused by “bad” LDL cholesterol, which promotes atherosclerosis. Also, the antioxidants found in walnuts are known for many other amazing health benefits.

3. Helps in brain development

A walnut looks like the shape of our brain. This nut also helps in our brain development. The omega three fatty acids present in it play a role in this function. So you can eat walnuts regularly for brain development.

4. Protects memory

Vitamin E and flavonoids present in walnuts help reduce free radical chemicals in the blood. These free radicals are one of the causes of dementia or memory loss. Eating walnuts every day reduces the risk of dementia.

5. Reduces the risk of cancer

Walnuts help to stay away from the deadly disease cancer. Omega three fatty acids, polyphenols and urolithin are rich in anti-cancer properties. So walnuts play a major role in preventing breast, colon and prostate. The American Association for Cancer Research reports that eating walnuts can help reduce the risk of cancer.

6. Strengthens bones

Be careful if bone weakness occurs. Because many more problems can arise from there. Eat walnuts regularly to keep bones healthy. It contains an essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. This acid helps keep bones healthy. Also, the omega three fatty acids in walnuts also keep bones healthy.

7. Beneficial in pregnancy

Eating walnuts daily is beneficial for pregnant women. Walnuts contain B complex vitamins such as folate, riboflavin and thiamin. These keep the mother's health good. Folic acid in walnuts is beneficial for pregnant and unborn children.

8. Controls diabetes

Walnuts help control blood sugar levels. Eating 30 grams of walnuts two days a week can reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes by up to 24 percent.

9. Reduces stress

Walnuts contain fiber, antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, alpha linolenic acid, omega three fatty acids, etc. These ingredients are very helpful in dealing with stress.

10. Good for hair

Walnuts are very good food for hair. The biotin in it helps keep hair straight, reduces hair loss and promotes growth. Apart from that, the biotin or vitamin B-7 contained in it helps to strengthen hair roots, prevent hair fall and help in hair growth.

11. Increases immunity

If the immune system is not strong, it becomes difficult to fight against any disease. In this time of corona epidemic, we have paid a little attention to increasing immunity. Walnuts can help you in this task. Anti-oxidants in it keep the immune system healthy. Walnuts contain vitamins and minerals such as copper and vitamin B6 that help boost the immune system.

12. Controls weight

It is low in calories and rich in fiber. Eating walnuts can help control your appetite. Eating walnuts can reduce appetite. Due to which you can avoid eating unhealthy food and fatty items. Walnuts are rich in many healthy antioxidants.

13. For good sleep

If you have insomnia, keep walnuts in your food list. The melatonin in it is helpful for good sleep. The omega three fatty acids present in walnuts lower blood pressure and relieve stress.

14. Reduces high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Eating walnuts can help lower blood pressure. It can also be beneficial for people with high blood pressure and healthy people when under stress. People with high blood pressure should not exclude walnuts from their diet.

15. Improves gut health

Studies show that if your gut is full of health-promoting bacteria and other microbes (your gut microbiota), you're more likely to have a healthier gut and better overall health. What you eat can greatly affect the makeup of your microbiota.

16. Prevent Cancer

Walnuts are a good source of antioxidants, which may help to protect against cancer by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body.

17. Improving digestion:

Walnuts contain high levels of dietary fibers which can help in digestion and regular bowel movement.

18. Diabetes Management:

Walnuts may help to improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control, making them a good food choice for people with diabetes.

19. Skin Health:

Walnuts contain high levels of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays, pollution, and other environmental factors.

20. Anti-inflammatory properties:

The presence of antioxidants, omega-3s, and other anti-inflammatory compounds in walnuts may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is a key driver of many chronic diseases.

It's important to note that eating too much of anything can be harmful to your health, it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making any drastic changes to your diet, especially if you have any underlying health condition.

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